Search results for query: *

  1. Bill Nye The Octopi

    Looking for People interested in a Book club

    I don't use Discord, but I'd still love to be part of a book club. Does anyone have a book suggestion? I really enjoy fantasy and comedy.
  2. Bill Nye The Octopi

    Looking for People interested in a Book club

    I'd be down. Does anyone have a genre they're most interested in?
  3. Bill Nye The Octopi

    Chitchat I'm so anxious I can't move

    I feel bloated and fat, and my chest hurts, and I find myself crawling under a weighted blanket. I really hate the feeling of my rolls, and I have been trying so hard this year, and it's just all coming back, and I admit it's making me feel like a snot-nosed toddler. Putting on pyjama pants...
  4. Bill Nye The Octopi

    Other Q: what’s the weirdest/most painful/embarrassing digestive experience?

    Not me, personally, but I've been vomited on before. Once, at a nightclub. I just remember the haunting echoes of someone saying "oh she got you too." And I'm like who, what? Me being the chill person I am didn't hold it against her and just stripped off that shirt, got another shirt from...
  5. Bill Nye The Octopi

    Looking for People interested in a Book club

    depends on the books but I find this cool