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  1. Bill Nye The Octopi

    Other Do you ever get a song stuck in your head?

    oh wow the gif is appropriate
  2. Bill Nye The Octopi

    Other Do you ever get a song stuck in your head?

    Seriously, I often get earworms. It's not that they always bother me, but sometimes they do. It can be a small part of a song or the entire thing. Lately, it's a song from a very short clip in the Birdcage. Oh my lord, I found a gif of it. I love this character lmao. (Agador I always have...
  3. Bill Nye The Octopi

    Other For people with autism or misophonia, what is your least favorite sound(s)?

    Electric guitar whammy......<,< it makes me want to pass out, and the sound of a electric fans as well
  4. Bill Nye The Octopi

    Other okay, I'm an adult but

    Yeah, they are xD What freaks me out most is lightning. Oh goodness, I see a flash, and I'm like, duck and cover, duck and cover! I had a distant relative killed by a lightning ball as a child, and it's just freaked me out ever since lol
  5. Bill Nye The Octopi

    Other okay, I'm an adult but

    Oh, woah, a hug. I'll take that!
  6. Bill Nye The Octopi

    Other okay, I'm an adult but

    Storms still really freak me out. Even when my body senses a large storm coming, I'm anxious. Can anyone feel me? The weather is terrifying!
  7. Bill Nye The Octopi

    Other What is something that everyone looks stupid doing?

    So like, it's sort of like a duck face, but it consumes the entire face. I'll call it shark face. It's reasonably fitting. It's when you watch someone's frontal lobe shut down in a heated debate, and they go purely on adrenaline and a shark mentality. The eyes go wide, the teeth start showing...
  8. Bill Nye The Octopi

    Other Why did you pick your name?

    I saw a kid named his baby octopus on New the other night.