Search results for query: *

  1. Caroline1539

    Advice/Help Any Roleplaying/Writing tips?

    First of all, what do you mean by "pop"? If you want more vocabulary choices, brush up your knowledge by reading more. Using a thesaurus isn't a bad choice either! If it's down to muse, then work with your characters more- flesh them out until they start wanting to act on their own, that's how...
  2. Caroline1539

    Advice/Help Partner want's something specific but also won't tell me what they want, please help

    I can totally relate to not being able to find partners here- but it takes time! I've found one partner I've  really clicked with, just be persistent and hopefully you'll find someone! I also like to think of finding partners as not just finding someone to write with, but finding someone to be...
  3. Caroline1539

    Advice/Help Partner want's something specific but also won't tell me what they want, please help

    Yikes, I'm glad you dropped him. Sounds like he was overly defensive about his character and couldn't handle criticism or sharing the story, which isn't the way to roleplay with someone. It's a collaborative experience. Have you tried roleplaying with people that you don't know? Sounds like he...
  4. Caroline1539

    Other Random question of the day

    A cop who can't remember his name, another detective named Kim, and several racist people. (Disco Elysium)
  5. Caroline1539

    Other Ever get a little sad seeing someone's interest check get little to no traction?

    The reason why you don't get notifications for threads that you make is that you have to  watch your own threads. Why it's designed like that is beyond me, but once I watched my own threads I got consistent updates. Shoutout to that one person who messaged one of my first interest checks and I...
  6. Caroline1539

    Other Show me your pets [MEGATHREAD]

    I'll send update photos once he changes!
  7. Caroline1539

    Other Show me your pets [MEGATHREAD]

    He really is! : D His colors should be even more vibrant after a while too!
  8. Caroline1539

    Other Show me your pets [MEGATHREAD]

    Say hello to Storm, my new betta fish!
  9. Caroline1539

    Advice/Help How to balance work/rp/life/etc?

    For me, I'm solely a 1x1 roleplayer. My partners and I all understand that we have busy schedules, and so we tend to just reply when we're able to. No schedule, no nothing, just when we have the time and energy. Of course, that's variable, but I think it's better to have partners who don't have...
  10. Caroline1539

    Fandom The Stanley Parable!

  11. Caroline1539

    Fandom The Cake Is A Lie

  12. Caroline1539

    Other Random question of the day

    Considering the number of merpeople within most fiction they are described within usually seem to have a population around the number humans would (being rare sights in and of themselves within the ocean), I would hazard to say that they at least have the reproductive numbers of people. Whether...
  13. Caroline1539

    Type the username above with your eyes closed!

    Kaijy cat