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  1. Beckoncall

    Advice/Help Possible help with nation roleplay

    Invitation Form letter: Game Mechanics/Faction Creation: let me know if you have questions about any of this stuff!
  2. Beckoncall

    Advice/Help Possible help with nation roleplay

    well send links today
  3. Beckoncall

    Advice/Help Need help finding a co gm or Maybe just help workshopping some fiction

    What happened to the previous interest thread? Did you scrap it? Lets talk.
  4. Beckoncall

    Advice/Help Does anyone know what it's like to play dnd

    One thing I suggest is that while players are making their characters, think about how the characters come to be a believable group with shared interests and goals. One good example is somebody that all the players had known in their pasts passes away and there is a reading of the will. Some of...
  5. Beckoncall

    Experiences Whats something you regret doing in a RP, or an embarrassing RP moment?

    Yeah, I guess the key word here is "Stupid" -- I think every goliath should have a david able to take them out with the right luck or knowledge, or every Achillies have an Achillies Heel... but yeah, seeing badasses take cheap falls is never fun. It detracts from everyones sense of power and...
  6. Beckoncall

    Viewpoint What are some common RP traits that you don't understand the appeal of?

    Totally. I ran a nobility RP which went fantastically -- and there were social elements as well as a lot of intrigue, politics, diplomacy and fighting on a small and large scale. Really enjoyed it. If there was going to be a nobility roleplay about a single event or ball, it should say that on...
  7. Beckoncall

    Experiences Whats something you regret doing in a RP, or an embarrassing RP moment?

    Wrapping up ANYTHING too quickly. If it's in your RP, you should take the time to give it some love. I can understand sometimes the desire (or need) to wrap things up quickly... but it generally gets in the way of player agency and sweeps the rug from under some people. So I'm careful not to do...
  8. Beckoncall

    Advice/Help Possible help with nation roleplay

    I think a cool idea would be a "Big Sky" theme for pirates in a sci-fi/fantasy mixed world. By Big Sky I mean the adventures take place in a rich solar system, but there is breathable air beyond the isolated atmospheres of the planets -- ships (with fast drives to cover the distances) "sail"...
  9. Beckoncall

    Viewpoint How would you feel if you realized your partner's reply was generated by an AI?

    I'd make friends with my new AI partner. I may meet it again under different circumstances. :D
  10. Beckoncall

    Experiences The Weirdest Thing You've Googled for a RP

    How many people a cow could feed if slaughtered right away, used for dairy depending on if there was a ready supply of grass or not. It was for a post-apoc scenario where the survivors found a cow and had the dilemma of using it for short or long term sustenance... but boy did it lead me down...
  11. Beckoncall

    Advice/Help Im Just a Kid, and Life isa Nightmare!

    As somebody who presently is (hopefully) coming off a months long bout of writers block -- I can only say THE MUSE COMES AND GOES. Make sure you take breaks from writing because that's totally healthy and a great way to revive your excitement about writing. Even Writers for award winning shows...
  12. Beckoncall

    Experiences What was your first ever rp with someone?

    Back of the elementary school bus -- one of my classmates played an auctioneer for sci-fi equipment and the rest of us pretended to bid on it. It was basically screaming until we were all hoarse and one of us would get picked. We loved it. The bus driver on the other hand likely got some grey...
  13. Beckoncall

    Futuristic Progress as Tau Shall v2: Process

    @Cosmo Kaisa Current Location 601 Movement Kaisa and 2 bodyguards will be using the warpgate to travel to Kessan [Jiwon] to train before returning through the gate to resume their operations in sector 601 [also handing Kessan the bio-bomb encase he needs it for the Enslavers] Done without...
  14. Beckoncall

    Futuristic Progress as Tau Shall v2: Process

    @LucasGhost : Va'icada Probe Report 0709 (Review of Important antagonists on BIZES) 1) THE PERPETUAL ANCESTRY: These guys were DANGEROUS. A Cabal of Assassins each forged and proven by adventuring to the deepest strata of the planet's tech, this outfit of pretech-laden assassins removed any...
  15. Beckoncall

    Futuristic Progress as Tau Shall v2: Process

    @mausedpotatos : Cassyon scanned the empty sectors around the exiles and the black hole... it mattered not to the Hereteks how the Tau did things... they did things their own way. No planets, stars or orbital bodies were found in the void they scanned, but they did find plenty of debris...
  16. Beckoncall

    Futuristic Progress as Tau Shall v2: Process

    @Heyitsjiwon : The water caste held true to their names -- following the money by path of least resistance, they mapped the trade hub of BERG like blood cells working the ciculatory system of a living being. Capturing organs of the global economy and beyond, scouring for germs of opposition and...
  17. Beckoncall

    Futuristic Progress as Tau Shall v2: Process

    @ThatWhichShouldBe : Actions Probe Action - Probe the Cabal behind the Tyrant of Bizes. Look for any hidden capabilities or other complications they might have that would prevent a successful uprising, obstacles that need to be removed before the trigger is pulled. Also investigate whether...
  18. Beckoncall

    Futuristic Progress as Tau Shall v2: Process

    TURN 2: @Kent BEHOLD NOVA HORIZON In the swirling debris field of Subsector Lonain Ara, in the ruins of Planet Mermagos, The Tau construction humbly named "Stationary Harvester" drew in minerals from giant chunks of mineral, rock and ice. Quickly, it began to GROW. And when the forward arm...
  19. Beckoncall

    Futuristic Progress as Tau Shall v2: Process

    @LucasGhost : Location: Sector 0608 Probe: Probe sector 0608 Action 1: Va'icada works with the Fire Warriors to install small sensors in their suits to begin collecting data. What was lost must be built again. Passive infantry sensors installed in armorplas torso and helm carapace. Gain...
  20. Beckoncall

    Futuristic Progress as Tau Shall v2: Process

    @Sa-Moray : Pol'E replied to his Captain: The strange entity was definitely NOT a parrot, and arguably based on how familiar one might be with parrots differing levels of convincing that it was one. It hovered slightly ominously above Sa-Moray's shoulder and it's eyes crackled with white...