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  1. TheTimePiece

    Community June 2024 Isekai Hell Community Event “A Day in the Life of” Submissions

    Submission Deadline: June 22nd 11:59 PM EST 1000 words max. Link the character sheet of your chosen character who will be receiving rewards from event on your submission.
  2. TheTimePiece

    Active [Widersia, Eastern Border] Edge of Enigma

    Place: Widersia, Eastern border Edge Language key: “Common”, “[Terran]”, “%Analog%” Mentions: @Maxxob @Elvario Yunaesa “[Oh okay! Higher the ground more advantage!]” Yunaesa repeated like it being repeated the same way suddenly made more sense. “[I bet Zjorn could hit a rock pretty far...
  3. TheTimePiece

    Active [West Empire] A Legendairy humiliation, among other things...

    Ryuuji Kamimura Mentions: @Femboy @Elvario Ryuuji looked at Lei-Cao and simply said cooly, "I can assure you we eat more than adequately." However he couldn't help but continue to smirk some when it was clear how much this tail training pulling proposal bothered Lei-Cao. "If I were you I...
  4. TheTimePiece

    Active The Witches Inferno

    Zolgen Mentions: @RavenSong @Elvario @Femboy “My, my. Are you sure you aren’t the predator, even in this realm?” Zolgen would chuckle a bit darkly at Kalina’s display of violence making work of the Yeti which had seemingly been stronger than any of them had been counting on. Even so they had...
  5. TheTimePiece

    Active [Sky Kingdom] Carrel in the Clouds

    Time: Morning Temperature: Outside Cool Place: The Sky, Sky Kingdom, Hallson Tribe Border Processing Building Mentions: @Femboy @Orikanyo @Moonberry @SilverFeathers @Elvario Eliza Talton “I’m certain you can continue to get better in your abilities by honing them Squink, it is simply my...
  6. TheTimePiece

    Active [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) All's Fair in this Fair Fair.

    Teuihua Languages: “Common” “+Mict+” “%Analog%” Mentions: @Elvario @Femboy @FantasyCat Teuihua continued to idle, after Rosalia had clarified that there was a portion for Gunhild he nodded, "indeed Gunhild feel free to enjoy yourself and partake.” He'd tentatively give Gunhild a very gentle...
  7. TheTimePiece

    Active Scaly Tails and Trails

    Time: Morning Place: Alkaf Cave, Ryke Language Key: "Common" "<Beastial>" "[Terran]" "{Sylvan}" "&Analog%" Mentions: @Elvario @Maxxob @Gwen_Temi @Wheatley Shael Xyvern Shael upon seeing that the room was largely under control at this point with the enemies fleeing between what Jareed...
  8. TheTimePiece

    Active [Fae See-East Empire Border] Operation: Fort Bury Part 2

    Location: Border of the See of Fae and East Empire, Near Fort Kanna Mentions: @DarkKitsune @SixSense Time: Late Evening Weather: Supernatural Stormy, Thunderstorm Language Key: "Common" "{Sylvan}", "<Beastial>" "%Analog%" Cloaked Combatants “Then you’ve chosen death, fool!” The cloaked...
  9. TheTimePiece

    Active [West Empire] A Legendairy humiliation, among other things...

    Ryuuji Kamimura Mention: @Femboy @Elvario Perhaps Unfortunately for Lei-Cao he simply continued to stone wall her, only looking back with a blank unresponsive gaze, of a face that read as apathetic. Perhaps he’d get some satisfaction in annoying Lei-Cao back when he shut her out despite her...
  10. TheTimePiece

    Active [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) All's Fair in this Fair Fair.

    Teuihua Languages: “Common” “+Mict+” “%Analog%” Mentions: @Elias Wren @Moonberry Interactions: @Elvario @FantasyCat @Femboy The tattoos weren’t terribly unusual to Teuihua, they were used by various people in the Mict empire. What intrigued him was thatt they were different than the ones...
  11. TheTimePiece

    Active [West Empire] A Legendairy humiliation, among other things...

    Ryuuji Kamimurara Mentions: @Elvario @Femboy With the new comer Ryuuji would ignore the ignorance of Lei-Cao after that point. He had no desire to waste his breath beyond what he did when it was apparent she wasn’t going to be receptive to verbal reasoning. As a result he stonewalled her...
  12. TheTimePiece

    Active [Widersia, Eastern Border] Edge of Enigma

    Place: Widersia, Eastern border Edge Language key: “Common”, “[Terran]”, “%Analog%” Mentions: @Maxxob @Elvario Yunaesa She looked curiously at Almeida when she spoke about something advantage. “[Something something, high ground advantage?]” she mirrored the hammerer, but with an...
  13. TheTimePiece

    Active [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) All's Fair in this Fair Fair.

    Teuihua Languages: “Common” “+Mict+” “%Analog%” Interactions: @FantasyCat @Elvario @Elias Wren It seemed that they would learn something from Ariko. However the answer actually left more questions, indeed why was someone in Kiyo’s condition at the keg like this? On top of that they were...
  14. TheTimePiece

    Active [West Empire] A Legendairy humiliation, among other things...

    Ryuuji Kamimura Mentions: @Femboy @Elvario Ryuuji almost rolled his eyes at his name being said incorrectly despite it being so similar to the beastial language, it wouldn't even surprise him if there was a beast or two that did have his name or something very similar. But that was a minor...
  15. TheTimePiece

    Active [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) All's Fair in this Fair Fair.

    Teuihua Languages: “Common” “+Mict+” “%Analog%” Interactions: @Elvario @Kiyoko Tomoe Mention: @Elias Wren “That is true, perhaps with time or others awakening that will change.” Teuihua replied to Janja, giving her a thumbs up. Regardless it was clear she was busy again, unfortunately Cayde...
  16. TheTimePiece

    Active [Sky Kingdom] Carrel in the Clouds

    Time: Morning Temperature: Outside Cool Place: The Sky, Sky Kingdom, Hallson Tribe docking Station Mentions: @Elvario @Moonberry @Orikanyo @SilverFeathers @Femboy Copper Copper Shrugged at Victorique's words with somewhat defeated looking body language. However he did perk up a bit more...
  17. TheTimePiece

    Active Scaly Tails and Trails

    Time: Morning Place: Alkaf Cave, Ryke Language Key: "Common" "<Beastial>" "[Terran]" "{Sylvan}" "&Analog%" Mentions: @Elvario @Maxxob @Wheatley @Gwen_Temi Thankfully for the group the chances of their efforts had greatly been bolstered by the assistance of Ceylan who had blinded their...
  18. TheTimePiece

    Active [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) All's Fair in this Fair Fair.

    Teuihua Languages: “Common” “+Mict+” “%Analog%” Mention: @Elvario “I hadn’t really thought about that.” Teuihua replied when Janja mentioned the him living longer bit. “What I more so meant was the language will be more active if more people understand it..since I am under the assumption it is...
  19. TheTimePiece

    Active [West Empire] A Legendairy humiliation, among other things...

    Ryuuji Kamimura Mentions: @Femboy @Elvario “The name’s Ryuuji Kamimura. I’m not sure what you mean by it being insignificant, does it not bare some resemblance to some of the beasts from the Republic?” He asked rhetorically as it definitely did even if it wasn’t an exact parallel it was an...
  20. TheTimePiece

    Active The Witches Inferno

    Zolgen Mentions: @RavenSong @Elvario @Femboy “Looks like we’ll need to make it so even if it takes a bit of force.” Zolgen replied regarding the Hasufer comment, he would have grinned if it were possible. ==== When it came to the Yeti combat, taking this wild beast down was proving a bit more...