
I'm not doing too bad at all Frick, I actually started a job in a warehouse there on Monday and now have the first week over me. I'll be sure to keep your recommendation in mind! I hope you've been keeping well, or as well as you possible can be.
All the best lad.
I've been doing alright. Got a job as an educator at an elementary, so I do what Colin Robinson does in What We Do In The Shadows; I absorb their joy and bore them with lectures. But in all honesty, I'm doing somewhat better, if only on the outside at least.
I love you, Larry.
I'm glad to hear that you've done what ya set out to do, well done on getting the job.
Well, even if ya may happen to bore a few, you could very well be inspiring one or two of your students to take up history like you did, so there's that to keep in mind as well.
Well, not quite history, I'm teaching kids reading skills and phonics. I think, in my presence, they are more nervous than bored. That is why, when the occasion arrives, I offer them a bendy pencil that absolutely boggles their mind. It's honestly really fun, but I do worry about when I get a child who is more rambunctious.
I remember you having difficulties like finding occupation, so I'm happy you finally got there! Especially with like the job market and stuff, finding a job is pretty difficult nowadays! I'm proud of you, Larryson.
That's just as admirable in my eyes Frick, so fair play to ya. I couldn't ever imagine myself being in such a situation, so being able to do it at all is mighty on your part! Well, if you are having some difficulties, be sure to ask your colleagues for some help, or advice at the very least. There's no point in both you and such a potential child struggling, if ya know what I mean?
Yeah, it's been grand for the first week; mostly labelling and packing products for orders, but the day passes quick, surprisingly so.
Yeah, I've been really leaning on my coworkers and colleagues, and they are absolutely amazing at not only what they do but in how accommodating they have been. It's definitely not what I would call easy, but very fulfilling nonetheless.
I don't know about you, but I really like when a day passes me by. And not to mention, I love manual work and that instantly makes time pass for me. Maybe it's just because I don't like working most of the time.