
Daniel Reaving
Daniel Reaving
lol I was reading through and considering joining cause there aren't that many role plays these days with such good plots as yours does
Well, I have the whole story already done in my head. I have many more missions. I wouldn't mind a new recruit. What field would you like to specialize in?
Daniel Reaving
Daniel Reaving
While reading it over and honestly I just skimmed over the details I was thinking Tanky, explosives expert, really high profile and ready to beat some heads in... Orr Melee oriented, quick, adgile and deadly as well as silent as can be
You sound like a weapons specialist to me. You're hired (we're kinda low on those). Well, once you create your profile xD
Daniel Reaving
Daniel Reaving
Sweet!! Well I apologize now but there will be no coding in my stuff at all XD I role play strictly off of a mobile device so code is a nightmare to deal with. But I'll have my character up within the next couple days at most
Awesome, look forward to reading it!
Daniel Reaving
Daniel Reaving
hey is the second in command role still open? Because I was thinking it could be like the weapons expert/ second in command of that's alright
Daniel Reaving
Daniel Reaving
Oh and it wouldn't let me start a conversation with you