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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

Noah smiled widely and nodded some as he hugged her to him "All ours, and yeah I was having it set up here. We can move it fully next weekend." He said happily before taking Eden to see her room "What do you think? Good enough for a princess?" He asked her happily.

Max held his hand tightly that morning once she was off the phone with his nurse "I love you so much Ricky. So very very much." She whispered before kissing him lovingly
She smiled and watched him, shaking her head a little, looking to Keaton. “You got a great dad.” She murmured to him, kissing the top of his head and cuddled him close as he was falling asleep. “Noah, we should get him home. I wanna start getting him on a schedule.” She told him, smiling at Eden who was just buzzing about there being a pool, getting everyone back down to the car and got in to go home finally.

His nurse arrived within the hour and made sure he was comfortable as he could be, looking to max. “It might not be today. He’s holding on tight still but we’re getting really close to the end now, I’m gonna be here for a while now for you though alright? You should talk to him, he can’t respond but he can hear you still.”
Noah got them home and went about the rest of the day with them. By bedtime he was laying with Carmen smiling as they watched Keaton lay beside her in the attached basinet they had found "You happy?" He asked her quietly.

Max nodded and thanked her quietly. She sat beside him and held his hand "You remember when we met? You were so drunk, tried putting the tip down my underwear." She said giving a small laugh "I thought you were so handsome though, and your smile lit up the place to me." She told him quietly before she went on just going through all her memories with him and telling him how much each meant to her.
He was still holding on tight all the way up until he heard her say that she was ready and his nurse came up, sitting in the room with them until doing a final check a short while later and nodding to her "He's gone." She told her gently, stepping out to give her a little privacy and wait to help her make the phone calls that were necessary right now for them to collect him

She smiled tiredly and nodded, tilting her head back "Very. We should keep an eye on Eden though, I think she's changed her mind about wanting him at home. It's gonna take some adjusting." She told him quietly, leaning back into his chest.
Max sat with him for a few minutes just holding him and sobbing quietly. She sat with him as long as she could before they took him away and she called his mother "Hey....uh....he um....he's gone." She whispered out trying to contain her crying.

Noah smiled softly and cuddled her close "I'll make sure to give her extra lovin." He murmured kissing her cheek gently "Alright lets get some sleep, gonna be a long night probably."
She nodded and yawned, drifting off fairly quickly after that for once, worn out from the excitement of the day.

His mom swallowed back tears and just nodded, talking to her for a few minutes to assure her they had Rory until the funeral when they would bring him home and all of them go as well then hung up and went to tell her husband.
Max took a shaky breath and dialed Vinny next. She frowned when he said he was at an appointment and took a shaky breath "Can you get out of it? Or how much longer do you have?" She asked quietly

Noah woke up everytime Keaton did that night making sure to help Carmen when needed. By the next morning he was making them both a nice cup of coffee smiling some as she came down with him "Mornin, hows our little guy doing?'"
He frowned and sighed a little. “I’ll call you back in twenty minutes.” He told her quietly and hung up,

She yawned a little and nodded, “he’s good. One morning poop and he’s much happier. Just like his dad.” She winked at Noah tiredly, looking to the doorway and seeing Eden stood there with her arms crossed and glaring into the room. “You okay baby?” She asked her frowning.
Noah rolled his eyes and laughed a bit before looking at Eden "Hey there, I got your waffle made up in your favorite bowl. You want some juice to drink?"

Max sighed softly and let him go after that. Once he called back she took a deep breath hearing the aggitation in his voice "Hey...I'm sorry to bother you I know you said you had appointments but uh....he's uh...he's gone Vin. About an hour ago.." she explained quietly letting a few tears fall.
She just crossed her arms and stomped off downstairs with the cats hot on her trail

Carmen sighed a little and shook her head. “I think he woke her up a couple times.” She sighed a little, moving Keaton to burp him gently and kissed his head. “We missed out on that newborn smell this time.” She mumbled pouting a little at him.

He frowned and stopped in his tracks. “Shit. You want me to come over?” He asked her gently. “I don’t like the thought of you being on your own right now.” He sighed a little. He just hadn’t wanted to see Rick at his worst but he didn’t want max on her own.
Noah gave a small sigh and handed her the cup "Yeah we did, and the scrunch." He murmured kissing her cheek "You want me to talk to her or you?"

Max nodded to herself "Yeah that would be great...I uh...I gotta call the guys and tell them." She said quietly wiping at her eyes as she tried to keep her tears in.
She shook her head. “I’ll do it, why don’t you get some cuddles in? Get him dressed and I’ll go sit with her.” She sighed, handing him over to Noah and took her coffee downstairs to go sit with Eden, “hey cupcake…. What’s got you grumpy this morning?” She asked her, sitting next to her at the table. “Ooh did daddy make you mickey waffles?”

He nodded and frowned. “Alright, I’m on my way over.” He told her gently, hanging up and heading to his car to go see her.
Eden nodded and frowned some "Yeah he did." She said quietly before sighing "He's loud....I wake up a lot." She murmured rubbing her eyes a bit "Why he stay in your room? Is it because he wakes up a lot?"

Max sighed heavily and called Ryan next to tell him everything, then Chris, and finally Justin. She opened the door when Vinny got there and tried to smile but ended up breaking down in his arms just holding him tightly.
She frowned a little and sighed. “Yeah kinda but you remember that we told you he’s got an ouchie on his heart?” She asked her. “Well he’s still got the ouchie so we have to keep a super close eye on him til he’s big enough they can finish fixing it.” She told her. “So he’s gonna stay in our room for a while longer.” She told her, kissing her head. “You happy about getting a new room?” She asked her, tying her hair back while she watched Eden worrying about her some.
Eden frowned gently but got excited when she mentioned her room "Yes! Its bigger and I can have my big girl bed in there!" She said excitedly thinking maybe she could finally get her dad to get her a princess carriage bed because he had told her no since her room was too small for it.
She smiled and shook her head. “You keep trying your dad on that one.” She murmured, kissing her head again, looking up when Noah was coming downstairs in a matching outfit with Keaton. “Oh look at my best boys.” She smiled, taking a few photos of them. “Eden you wanna go with daddy to go see uncle jolly?” She asked her as she knew Noah was going to pick up a couple things from their home studio at Jolly’s place.
Noah smiled widely as she got excited and ran upstairs to get dressed yelling about his puppy the whole way "She loves that damn dog." He said giving a small laugh "The guys said as soon as he is clear they want to meet him." He murmured as he continued to hold Keaton close glancing at her phone when it started to ring "Looks like Max is calling, you want me to stay back until you're done talking?"
She smiled tiredly and nodded, answering the phone and going to sit in their lounge. “Hey, I was gonna call you later, how’s it going?” She asked her yawning a little, frowning when she heard Noah and Eden talking then Eden doing her whiny cry she did when she wasn’t getting her way, leaving moah to handle it
Max bit her lip hard and sighed heavily "I've been better....Ricky uh....Ricky passed this morning." She said quietly as she sat curled up in their bed holding his pillow close to her.

Noah shook his head some as Eden asked yet again for a carriage bed "No Eden you picked this bed and it is perfectly fine. Now come on, lets get your shoes on and teeth brushed." He said giving a small groan when she started to cry "Uh uh, don't start this. Do you want to stay home?"
Carmen frowned and sighed quietly. “Oh honey I’m so sorry… you got people with you?” She asked her quietly. “I’m gonna try and make it to the funeral alright? We’re looking at having someone come give Noah a hand so I can make it.” She told her.

Eden frowned and stomped her feet. “It not fair daddy! My room bigger so it have space for big bed!” She cried. “It all his fault!” She cried pointing at Keaton
Max nodded some "Yeah Vinny is getting us some food right now, how is Keaton? Did he make it home alright?" She asked quietly wanting to hear some kind of good news at least.

Noah frowned deeply and shook his head "No it is not his fault Eden. We're not going to get a new bed when yours is perfectly fine." He explained giving a heavy sigh as she just ran off into her room.
She frowned but nodded. “Yeah we brought him home yesterday. He was real up and down last night too I’m exhausted.” She smiled a little. “We uh, we’re gonna be moving house here soon as well, we’ll have to get you and the kids out when you can to come stay. 6 bedrooms so plenty of space and a pool.” She smiled, looking over when Noah was bringing Keaton to her and she took him carefully, watching him head up to Edens room and sighed.
Max gave a small smile and nodded a bit "Thats really great to hear. I'm so happy he is home with you all." She said quietly talkimg with her a bit longer before hanging up.

Noah looked over at Carmen when heard her come up sighing heavily "She's not coming out of her closet. She's mad I said no to a new bed again. How's Max?" He asked her while he ran a hand through his hair.
She frowned and nodded slowly, gesturing for him to step out of the room, bursting into tears the moment they were on the landing "He went this morning." She told him quietly, "I'm gonna look at flights to get out there for the funeral, you sure you're gonna be good with them on your own though?" She asked him, sniffling a little.
Noah pulled her into his arms and frowned deeply "Shit....shit.." he whispered giving a small nod "Yeah I'll bw alright, make sure you give Max our love. I'll make sure the band sends out some flowers atleast." He said quietly

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