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Realistic or Modern Dōki no Sakura: A Tragic Yuri Roleplay Set In Wartime Japan [OOC]

Thank you, here's the link for the edited image.

For the source, just use the visual novel's steam store link
Her CS should be good now, thank you for your help!
Her CS should be good now, thank you for your help!
Otsukaresamadeshita~! ^^

For current participants who have made their characters, thank you for your continued patience. Rest assured, today I have contacted the rest of the participants to ask whether they had trouble during character creation.
Gokigenyou minna-sama, both silkysoul and deadly king, have replied to my message. Unfortunately silky decided to drop out of the RP, however king said that they'll be posting their character soon. We also had someone new coming, but I decided to not wait much longer, so we can definitely start the RP once king had their character up and approved by me.
So I want to ask real quick, is this just a normal school the girls are all attending while the war is going on?
So I want to ask real quick, is this just a normal school the girls are all attending while the war is going on?
Looks like it. It's a regular but historical and well-regarded boarding school.

Of course that doesn't make it safe from all the effects of war.
tall people..........
Yes... I was okay with it when it was just one character because it made them unique, but now that we have 3 tall characters, I feel like I need to address this issue.

Here is a study done by the Japan Dairy Association in 2020 about the history of milk in Japan. While we can argue about whether or not there is proper scientific evidence that milk is a major contributor to children's growth and not just something the dairy industry has come up with to market their product, this study does briefly allude to the effect of the government's wartime economic policies, which severely affected children's nutritional intake, which in turn affected their growth. On page 10, there is a table comparing the average height of urban primary school boys at the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1937 and after the war ended in 1946. It was briefly mentioned that when the government and the military started rationing everyday goods that were essential for the war effort, fewer people could get their hands on those goods, and when it came to food for children, it caused them to become malnourished.

In the roleplay, the characters are around 7-8 years old in 1937; they should still be growing, but the wartime economic policies greatly affected what they could consume and thus affected their growth.

The effects of the government's wartime economic policies varied depending on where you lived, but those who lived in urban areas were most affected. So if your character lived in the countryside, they'd probably be taller than those who lived in cities like Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe and the like.

So if you want to make your character tall, they should be about the same height as the average adult male population, which according to this site was about 159–163 cm. So, please, Nellancholy Nellancholy viviionne viviionne deadly king deadly king , I needed you guys to make a little adjustment to your character sheet.

Also, additionally for king, please leave the Organization entry empty for now because your character could get into school clubs later through diegetic means.
Yes... I was okay with it when it was just one character because it made them unique, but now that we have 3 tall characters, I feel like I need to address this issue.

Here is a study done by the Japan Dairy Association in 2020 about the history of milk in Japan. While we can argue about whether or not there is proper scientific evidence that milk is a major contributor to children's growth and not just something the dairy industry has come up with to market their product, this study does briefly allude to the effect of the government's wartime economic policies, which severely affected children's nutritional intake, which in turn affected their growth. On page 10, there is a table comparing the average height of urban primary school boys at the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1937 and after the war ended in 1946. It was briefly mentioned that when the government and the military started rationing everyday goods that were essential for the war effort, fewer people could get their hands on those goods, and when it came to food for children, it caused them to become malnourished.

In the roleplay, the characters are around 7-8 years old in 1937; they should still be growing, but the wartime economic policies greatly affected what they could consume and thus affected their growth.

The effects of the government's wartime economic policies varied depending on where you lived, but those who lived in urban areas were most affected. So if your character lived in the countryside, they'd probably be taller than those who lived in cities like Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe and the like.

So if you want to make your character tall, they should be about the same height as the average adult male population, which according to this site was about 159–163 cm. So, please, Nellancholy Nellancholy viviionne viviionne deadly king deadly king , I needed you guys to make a little adjustment to your character sheet.

Also, additionally for king, please leave the Organization entry empty for now because your character could get into school clubs later through diegetic means.
on it!
Gokigenyou, minna-sama! ^^ Thank you for waiting patiently, I came to tell that the RP thread is now up! Yay!

I suppose we will start out with the girls arriving from their home to Maebashi Station in Gunma to at least give a glimpse what the world outside the academy was like. Unfortunately, this means that Nellancholy would have to wait a little bit longer since their character was already at the academy...

Anyway, as you read through some of my post, you will notice that there will be some bolded and italicized text throughout. Those are something that you as the player or your character can interact with IC. Of course, you can interact with other things but those highlighted text are something that I have prepared to slowly peel away the details of either the character or the world. You don't need to interact with it right away, if you find a good situation for it, then you could bring up something that I have highlighted in the past. You could also incorporate this technique into your post as well so that I or other player can interact with it.

As for the post length, there are no hard rules that you must post certain number of paragraph and what not. As long as it gets the story going that's great. For example, when two character are in a conversation among themselves and you don't seem to find the opportunity to slot your character in, you could just describe her listening to the conversation, or you could also tell the other player in the OOC thread to skip your turn, that too also fine.

As for the intervals between posts, I believe around three days without notice would be fine? If a player needed more time, they would need to notify other players in the OOC thread. How about that? Please feel free give your suggestion on this matter.

And lastly, this is the template for the post:

[Row][Column=span2] [CENTER][IMG height="256px"]Insert image url here.[/IMG] [B]Insert character name here[/B] First-year student Yurigaoka Girls' Academy STR ? DEX ? MEN ?[/CENTER] [/Column][Column=span6] [JUSTIFY]Sunday, 1944年04月02日 Maebashi Station, Gunma Insert the text here.[/JUSTIFY][/Column][/row]
It does occur to me that Tsuki will probably be involved in the orientation process somewhat,a good chance to make a good first impression
Hello everyone, I just realized that there are some participants who might not have joined us here in the OOC thread, so there's a possibility that they might not have realized that the main thread was already up, so I remedy it by tagging all of the current participants in the first post of the main thread. There's also a little adjustment to the text, so you might want to re-read it as well.
I have,and I think quite a few others have too.
Yes, I played dnd before
The reason I bring up DND is because I want to approach this RP like it. Specifically, in terms of the pillars of gameplay; in DND, the three pillars are combat, social interaction, and exploration. Since combat is largely absent from much of this RP, that leaves us with only two pillars: social interaction and exploration. So I ask players to be both proactive during social interactions, proactive in seeking personal or mutual goals, and curious to discover and reveal things about the RP world. So I really encourage everyone to talk OOC with other players and with me. Shares what interests you the most; maybe you're curious about certain characters, certain places, maybe you want your character to join a certain club, or maybe you want to increase one of your low stats, anything. Then I'll create a situation where you might be able to accomplish what you're trying to do.

Anyway, speaking of talking things out OOC, how's the progress on writing the reply for the RP? I guess three days interval was a little too fast? In that case, how about a week?
I think anything more detailed will have to wait until interactions actually happen.

Broadly,what Tsuki may aspire to is either to find something materially worth staying in Japan for so she can live an independent life,or a way to escape overseas like her mother did. But that's rather general and long-term.

Either one would get harder and harder for her as the noose tightens around Japan's war effort.
Sooo since the characters haven't turn up to school yet I'm thinking of doing some pilot shit in the IC post lol
Sooo since the characters haven't turn up to school yet I'm thinking of doing some pilot shit in the IC post lol
Hmm, this is something i'm rather unfamiliar with as i'm coming from discord roleplaying where we usually had multiple channels or threads there, but here we're only utilizing one thread for this whole rp. However i've also taken a look around and found something like this Fantasy - New Oasis: Four Heavenly Kings — The B-Sides where they had multiple groups within one thread. So i guess we could follow their example by explicitly declaring the time and location where the rp took place as well as the participants of that particular session.

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