Recent content by rebirth5910

  1. rebirth5910

    Realistic or Modern [M4F] Zombie Apocalypse RP

    Wassup, it’s Rebirth✌️ For the past few days I’ve been looking for MHA roleplays, but recently I’ve had the urge to do a zombie apocalypse roleplay. Not like the fast paced, World War Z type of zombies, but the slow, George Romero type of zombies. The ones that you can easily dodge and they...
  2. rebirth5910

    Fandom [M4F] Fallout roleplay

    With the Fallout TV show coming out as of recent(which I haven’t watched just yet), and me getting Fallout 4 for the third time, I’m super invested in the world of Fallout and want to do a roleplay set it that universe!! I’m 16 years old and I’ve been roleplaying for six of those years, although...
  3. rebirth5910

    Realistic or Modern [MxF] Slice of Life Roleplay

    Hi^^ After a few weeks of searching for partners in multiple fandoms and not having any luck of finding even one partner, I’ve decided that maybe it’s best to steer away from fandom roleplay for a while and request something that more people would be interested in, at least I hope. So, I just...
  4. rebirth5910

    Fandom [M4F] Looking to do a TLOU OCxCC roleplay!!

    Note: I am DYING to do an ocxcc roleplay with me playing the oc and the cc being either Ellie or Dina. Please, someone, anyone!!! The names E.W.😎 I would like to start this off by saying that I’m a major fan of The Last of Us; Part 2 is my favorite out of the two, the gameplay mechanics and...
  5. rebirth5910

    Fandom [M4F] Fire and Blood | An A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplay

    Note: Hiya! I’m quite new to RPNation, but not to roleplay. I recently joined today in search of more roleplaying partners who share my similar interests; I hope to find someone! Hello! My name’s Rebirth. For a long while, I’ve had a love for A Song of Ice and Fire; I read the books, have...
  6. rebirth5910

    Introduce Yourself!
