Recent content by Maverick Six

  1. Maverick Six

    Active [Clockhaven] Salvage and Steam: Crafting a Legacy

    Pamela Mentions: @Lunar @NeramoDJI @Moonberry @Garbage. @Maxxob @SilverFeathers Titles: Beast, Bunnykin, Mundane, Thieving Bandit, Wanted by Western Empire Adventurer's Guild Old codger sounds like a player. She smiled almost knowingly to him. As he shook her firm hand firmly, he would...
  2. Maverick Six

    Active [Celestine Academy] [Worlds Training] Enigma Machine

    Marcus Banecroft Titles: Human Before Marcus entered, he would look back to see Aedri was following him. This did not stop him of course. After all, he desired to be a shield. "I'll go first." He told her. He wanted to go forward into the light and tell her to come in. But once he was inside...
  3. Maverick Six

    Active [Clockhaven] Salvage and Steam: Crafting a Legacy

    Pamela Mentions: @Lunar @NeramoDJI @Moonberry @Garbage. @Maxxob @SilverFeathers Titles: Beast, Bunnykin, Mundane, Thieving Bandit, Wanted by Western Empire Adventurer's Guild "I've salvaged this ball before. And that engine too. We'll be fine." "Didja now?" She said, the blue fish beat...
  4. Maverick Six

    Active A Hellish Inheritance

    Marcus Banecroft Titles: Human, Mundane Interaction: @Maxxob @Elias Wren @Uasal @Gaius Danius Griinia The Basement Squelch The spear punched through it's thick hide, causing a black fluid to leak from it and onto his sear. The same motion used to withdraw it was used to flourish it. He...
  5. Maverick Six

    Active [Celestine Academy] [Worlds Training] Enigma Machine

    Marcus Banecroft Titles: Human As Aedri's scream rang through the air -- it echoed about Marcus' ears. If one watched closely, they could see him yet flinch. It almost reminded him of conflicts long past. Yet flinch was all he did as he stared on in a patient silence. He watched as she...
  6. Maverick Six

    Character Characters

    Martin Theme:fas fa-playA World Upside Down Rp'er Name: Maverick Six Post Frequency: 3 times a week or more Discord Name: Rektifier ("Maverick" on IH server) Current RP: TBD Goals: Short Term Gain abilities akin to his previous gravity altering powers, including flight and...
  7. Maverick Six

    Active [Clockhaven] Salvage and Steam: Crafting a Legacy

    Pamela Mentions: @Lunar @NeramoDJI @Moonberry @Garbage. @Maxxob @SilverFeathers Titles: Beast, Bunnykin, Mundane, Thieving Bandit, Wanted by Western Empire Adventurer's Guild The scribbling of a pencil was heard as Gearwright took time to make a picture for them. For a moment, it gave time...
  8. Maverick Six

    Active A Hellish Inheritance

    Marcus Banecroft Titles: Human, Mundane Interaction: @Maxxob @Elias Wren @Uasal @Gaius Danius Griinia The Kitchen There were clear signs of ire on Guiseppe's face, but the guild was but a means to an end for the likes of Marcus. His true allegiance lay elsewhere, and this was all but a...
  9. Maverick Six

    Active [Clockhaven] Salvage and Steam: Crafting a Legacy

    Pamela Mentions: @Lunar @NeramoDJI @Moonberry @Garbage. @Maxxob Titles: Beast, Bunnykin, Mundane, Thieving Bandit, Wanted by Western Empire Adventurer's Guild Huh. Maybe this won't be so boring after all. At first, it didn't really click. The man may have had a salty smell and a sword...
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  12. Maverick Six

    Active [Celestine Academy] [Worlds Training] Enigma Machine

    Marcus Banecroft Titles: Human fas fa-play An Obstacle in Our Path "Very good, Mage Boy." Was all that he said. While the boy came across as haughty and arrogant, he have some resolve yet. Though Marcus' opinion of the somewhat shady character only changed somewhat as he went forward his...
  13. Maverick Six

    Active A Hellish Inheritance

    Marcus Banecroft Titles: Human, Mundane Interaction: @Maxxob @Elias Wren @Uasal @Gaius Danius Griinia Never could Marcus say he had been so glad to whiff a parry. An attack from Nox never came and the undead around him came apart into gore. Gunshots and incantations rang out throughout the...
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  15. Maverick Six

    Active [Clockhaven] Salvage and Steam: Crafting a Legacy

    Pamela Mentions: @Lunar @NeramoDJI @Moonberry Titles: Beast, Bunnykin, Mundane, Thieving Bandit, Wanted by Western Empire Adventurer's Guild Sitting just out of the of the way of the road was a lone woman. She was wrapped head to toe in perhaps one of the most filthy blankets one had ever...