Recent content by LiquidLight

  1. LiquidLight

    Other Random question of the day

    It would depend on the meme and the reason I looked the way I did in it. If it was something real Nailed it. Hands down. I love that show. And no, I can't cook. xD It would be beautiful disaster.
  2. LiquidLight

    Food If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?

    Chicken is good. And you can cook it a ton of different ways!
  3. LiquidLight

    Other Do you miss rp friends?

    Yeah, I definitely do miss my old RP friends. Remembering the past is nice but painful at the same time. Hoping to make new friends and new memories soon.
  4. LiquidLight

    Other Unpopular Opinions

    I like it but only with ice cream. Otherwise I can't drink it.
  5. LiquidLight

    Other What helps you think outside the box?

    Sometimes I find myself feeling like I'm writing the same things over and over again, sometimes in different ways but not differently, if that makes sense. What helps you think outside the box and keep your writing fresh? I know expanding my vocabulary would help, which is a constant work in...
  6. LiquidLight

    Other Roleplay Question: What is everyone's favourite platform outside of forums to write with and why?

    Discord. I've always liked the ability to have live-time RP with the option of different areas to play in (channels) with multiple people and random encounters with others characters. I like when things are unpredictable, so knowing that anyone can join in at any second is fun for me. I've...
  7. LiquidLight

    Other What's your favorite color?

    Haha! Can't forget that. Definitely makes me think of the Sith.
  8. LiquidLight

    Other Medieval or Modern or Mixed?

    I'm the same. lol
  9. LiquidLight

    Food If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?

    I would pick steak. Hands down. I love it. If I could get it cooked the best every time then I'd be so happy. It would be perfect.
  10. LiquidLight

    Other Is This A Sign That Someone Hates You?

    I feel like no reaction would me more of a sign than a reaction, since giving a reaction at all means the person wants you to know they saw your post and potentially agree with it. Cookies and hearts are both good things in my book. I know I personally wouldn't be comfortable with giving a heart...
  11. LiquidLight

    Other Tell us about your pet peeves!

    People being rude for the sake of being rude. Life is hard enough already without people intentionally making it worse just because they can.
  12. LiquidLight

    Other What's your favorite color?

    Red because it encompasses so much. It's the color of blood (life), passion/love, anger/hate, fire/cleansing/destruction, energy, power, even fear. It just has so many meanings. I love it!
  13. LiquidLight

    Other How much toxicity can you live with in a community?

    I used to be able to tolerate a lot. I would even do so at the detriment of myself sometimes. But as I get older I realize I don't have any time for it. I would rather be around people who make me feel good, want to have fun, and have positive outlooks on life. I just can't do the negative...
  14. LiquidLight

    Food What are you eating right now?

    Coffee and Lays Sour Cream and Onion chips.
  15. LiquidLight

    Other Why did you choose your avatar?

    For the mystery, and because the cloak is magical looking and seems to be made up of the galaxy, which is something that's always fascinated me due to the endless possibilities the sky above holds. I think it represents RP well, because just like in outer space, in writing anything can happen or...