Recent content by Koeseki

  1. Koeseki

    Realistic or Modern The World Has Died

    I should be more active once I finish moving. Just a few more days now.
  2. Koeseki

    Realistic or Modern The World Has Died

    I'm going to be busy tomorrow. I should be able to post, but if I can't, my character will follow yours to your car.
  3. Koeseki

    Realistic or Modern The World Has Died

    Corrie wiped her mouth the best she could, and wiped her now gross hand off on the back seat of the car where the door was open. She began to giggle, looking over the young man that was trying to "help" her. "Funny, boy. I came to this city because it was predicted to become level 3. However, if...
  4. Koeseki

    Realistic or Modern The World Has Died

    The sledgehammer finally came to rest. Corrie was breathing hard and her right shoulder burned from the exertion. While the amount of spray is considerably less than from someone with a pulse, a few specks of blood managed to taint the hour and a half of work she had put into her makeup this...
  5. Koeseki

    Realistic or Modern The World Has Died

    Working on mine rn, btw.
  6. Koeseki

    Help writing transgender characters

    The general rules of thumb if you are writing trans, based on common problematic practices in popular writing: As a base, if you are writing an mtf character, write a female character with the added twist of their genetics putting them through a freaky Friday situation at birth, and visa versa...
  7. Koeseki

    Realistic or Modern The World Has Died

    Thanks. Looks like my post won't need any edits.
  8. Koeseki

    Realistic or Modern The World Has Died

    Is the BBC code normally this fiddly in this forum? It took a bit of wrestling with it to keep it from showing [/FONT] in the post. On that note, my post is up. I guess that means @Nagabe is next.
  9. Koeseki

    Realistic or Modern The World Has Died

    An old red Mercedes sedan sat wedged against a traffic light pole, the bumper dented in with just the front of the hood slightly crumpled. A hint of radiator vapor could just be seen by a keen eye wafting ephemerally in the breeze over the engine. If one were to look into the vehicle at this...
  10. Koeseki

    Realistic or Modern The World Has Died

    Two main questions: What does zombification look like? (If I came across a dead/bitten guy that was about to be a zombie. What would happen that the layman can observe?) How strong and fast are typical zombies compared to humans?
  11. Koeseki

    Realistic or Modern The World Has Died

    I'm really going to have to flesh out Corrie's character and personality a bit in story. Re-reading over the bio, she's literally just an Aquarius caricature at the moment.
  12. Koeseki

    Realistic or Modern The World Has Died

    Is there any shared backstory anyone wants to set up, or do we all prefer to be strangers at the beginning?
  13. Koeseki

    Realistic or Modern The World Has Died

    I can't speak for Rokku, but I think there are only two submitted character sheets atm.
  14. Koeseki

    Realistic or Modern The World Has Died

    A little bump to keep things going
  15. Koeseki

    Futuristic Oacrus Centre of Intergalactic Species Studies (Open)

    Are you still interested in playing. I would love to play with you :blowkiss: