Recent content by Kidzait

  1. Kidzait

    Servants of Dawn - IC

    Fletcher smiled and nodded when the little dragonborn decided to change to the more dangerous mission. He would feel pretty bad is she ended up skewed by tiny spears. When the question of a leader comes up, Fletcher remained silent. He listened to trees and the wind and such. That sort of...
  2. Kidzait

    Mystery of Mythwater (IC)

    Day four of Expedition Time: late afternoon Weather: partly cloudy While Sylvestra worked on her potions, the little cloaked figure was lurking nearby, curiously trying to decipher what the druid was doing with the boiling water and the plants. Every time she would divert her attention, the...
  3. Kidzait

    Servants of Dawn - IC

    Let's get those gobos
  4. Kidzait

    Mystery of Mythwater (OOC)

    It would be and insight check.
  5. Kidzait

    Mystery of Mythwater (IC)

    Day four of Expedition Time: late afternoon Weather: partly cloudy As the party begins to investigate around the ruin site, a man makes his way up the narrow path. Obscured by the lengthening shadows and thick underbrush that flanked the road, he does not come into view until he is about 20...
  6. Kidzait

    Servants of Dawn - IC

    Fletcher shrugged and took another sip of his drink. The little wizard mentioned she was a coward by nature. It made sense that she would want to go for the safer of the two quests. He gave Copper a wink before glancing back down at the sign up sheet, "Well....Maybe a goblin raid is a little...
  7. Kidzait

    Servants of Dawn - IC

    Fletcher narrowed his eyes at Copper for a moment. What was going on with this little dragonborn? Didn't she say a moment ago that the graveyard could be overrun with undead if neglected? Does she know something? Maybe I'm being paranoid. He looked to Gurwin, "Well it's good to know we have a...
  8. Kidzait

    Servants of Dawn - IC

    Fletcher took his wine from Lucky with a smile and a grateful nod. He glanced over the sign up sheet, doing his best to read it upside down from across the table. Haunted graveyard or a goblin encampment? those are, wildly different. "Woah! Two choices? Lucky's got good connections" Fletcher...
  9. Kidzait

    Mystery of Mythwater (OOC)

    @DragonSlayer57 if Jankerr is keeping watch, roll perception.
  10. Kidzait

    Servants of Dawn - IC

    Fletcher smiled and stared off into the middle distance, accidentally stared longingly at a man leaning against the opposite wall. When he came back from his thought, he looked back to Copper, "I guess you could say both. I am a Servant of the Dawn and I am also a shepherd to those in need. I...
  11. Kidzait

    Mystery of Mythwater (IC)

    Day four of Expedition Time: mid afternoon Weather: cloudy The little creature fell silent for a few moments, seemingly to gather it's thoughts: "I already told you, I'm Grayvee. Everyone calls me that, and I, I've been there before. In the... pit I mean. I haven't been all that deep though...
  12. Kidzait

    Mystery of Mythwater (OOC)

    Rolling a 14 isn't bad.
  13. Kidzait

    The Wild Beyond the Witchlight (D&D 5e)

    Hey everyone. This campaign died about a year ago and the DM hasn't been heard from in about as long. It was fun while it lasted.
  14. Kidzait

    Servants of Dawn - IC

    Fletcher had a stupid grin on his face as he listened to the people at the table talk. At least he didn't jump to the wrong conclusion again and these people seemed to be a part of the Dawn. Last time he did this, he sat himself down with a group playing high card and mistaken a few gold coins...
  15. Kidzait

    Mystery of Mythwater (IC)

    Bragrol was planning on locking himself back in the confines of his manor. Less troublesome townsfolk with their questions there. He caught movement out of the corner of his eye and turned to see the pretty elf making her way towards him. He paused to hear her out. "Uh...Yes. I'll add it to the...