Recent content by Idea

  1. Idea

    Other Random question of the day

    First, I would say it depends on degree. A certain degree (small to moderately large) of overpopulation is worse than underpopulation as it is a strain on resources and needs more extreme measures to fix than a similar degree of underpopulation. On other hand, I'd say extreme underpopulation is...
  2. Idea

    Mystery of Mythwater (OOC)

    @EbonChevalier wouldn't this be insight, since presumably you're trying to assert the person's intentions, read their facial expression, that kind of thing?
  3. Idea

    What is the avatar above you thinking?

    “Care for a smoke… or ten?”
  4. Idea

    Other Random question of the day

    My first guess would be either a joke someone made, an accidental live burial or some post-mortem ting happening to the corpse, with the later two making people think the corpse was moving (or making them think of that). According to wikipedia though, it seems to take origin in a biblical...
  5. Idea

    Advice/Help Being mean/punishing to Player Characters as a narrator, plus adapting to player choices?

    I wouldn't say those two things are a contradiction in the first place, not unless it is made so. What's important here is to establish clearly what the expectations should be, particularly in terms of tone, setting and style of the roleplay - and hence what players should be taking into...
  6. Idea

    Other When?!

    2011-2018 I’d imagine?
  7. Idea

    Experiences When Looking for Character Reference Images and Results are Flooded with AI-Created Images-

    For fan, when searching for things on google you can add -word or -"phrase" to exclude the given word or phrase from the results. Naturally this still operates under the same logic as the rest of google's algoritm, it can't magically detect what is or not AI, but a -AI and -prompt go a long way.
  8. Idea

    Mystery of Mythwater (OOC)

    she rolled a 5 True true. Just conjured a fun image is all.
  9. Idea

    Mystery of Mythwater (OOC)

    I'm picturing your character now as one of those types that thinks they can cook but just ends up inexplicably making purple goop every time.
  10. Idea

    Other Random question of the day

    You can probably commit them all simultaneously to be honest.
  11. Idea

    *first manned rocket to Mars misses it* *scientist turns to guy next to him* "Larry, did you...

    *first manned rocket to Mars misses it* *scientist turns to guy next to him* "Larry, did you remember to carry the 1?"
  12. Idea

    Other Random question of the day

    A being that isn't alive in the first place can't survive. If one were to use the more metaphorical sense though, it highly depends on the materials, structure and programming of said robot, as well as any additional tools at its disposal and of course what kind of floor it lands on. If you...
  13. Idea

    Other Random question of the day

    Potentially, yes. It would depend on the actual experience of living with this gadget implanted there in this hypothetical futuristic scenario, how seamless it is, how well integrated, how it interfaces with my body.
  14. Idea

    Advice/Help How do I continue this character without his roleplay?

    Like I said, you can carry the same character just having had the experience of that dynamic. Maybe it's not longer something they are involved in, but it's something that changed them and that they learned from. Such a character could be your player character or an important NPC. The character...
  15. Idea

    Advice/Help How do I continue this character without his roleplay?

    Well, depending on the character, and presuming you don’t want (as you seem to be saying) to outright re-use it in a reboot fashion, then I’d say you have two options: Use the character again, but have the character continuing from where you left of. In other words use the character where they...