Recent content by GalacticHalo

  1. GalacticHalo

    Introduce Yourself!

    Same, gosh I still remember my quotev self insert Mary Sue oc or sneaking on church computers in middle school to rp rather then be in Bible study
  2. GalacticHalo

    Introduce Yourself!

    Omg a fellow past Quotev user! Hello, what type of rps do you usually do?
  3. GalacticHalo

    Answered Post vanishing on Mobile

    Thank you! I apologize I just kinda stumbled upon this website so trying to figure it out has been hard
  4. GalacticHalo

    Answered Post vanishing on Mobile

    I don't have any extensions on my phone, however one of my posts vanished. I'm new to this site, but, the post said it was being checked, which according to the faq is normal however when I woke up it was gone. I don't understand if it was a bug or if my post was taken down at the moderation...
  5. GalacticHalo

    Fandom Camp Camp Dadvid 1x1?

    Hello! I'm looking for someone who would like to do a Dadvid rp, with me playing David, I really love found family. I also really like their dynamic of toxic positivity and toxic negativity due to trauma. Plot can be discussed, I was thinking a highschool au where Campbell is the principle and...
  6. GalacticHalo

    Introduce Yourself!

    I am bad at intros however I'm just your local fandom nerd looking for people who are also adults to roleplay with. My boundaries are simple - Nothing involving veins. - No shipping minors in any way. - Heavy topics can be time skipped, sometimes either of us might not be in the mood. - Please...