Recent content by Emperor Sagan

  1. Emperor Sagan

    Fantasy Drums of War [IC][Closed]

    "Oh, yes, I do believe she had intended to court you, good Lord," Valentova purred. "A failed attempt at that, too, it seems. Consider it the intuition of a fine, stately woman such as myself. I have seen such things before. I suspect she intended to capitalize on her previous, if brief...
  2. Emperor Sagan

    Fantasy Hunter's Moon: Ascendancy [IC] [CLOSED]

    The heat was wretched the further they traveled. Aleister had known the kiss of the desert sun, long ago, even when he traveled in the hours before dawn and after sunset. In some regions, cold came in quick like a hushed whisper, but in others the nights remained warm and drenched in the...
  3. Emperor Sagan

    Fantasy Drums of War [IC][Closed]

    Annaliese watched from the corner of her eyes as tears slowly began to envelop Enya, all the while still clutching the slightly bloodied handkerchief to her mouth from where she had bit it some moments earlier. Seeing that woman cry turned the bitter copper flavor of blood into something sweet...
  4. Emperor Sagan

    Fantasy Hunter's Moon: Ascendancy [IC] [CLOSED]

    Aleister assisted the group as directed before they moved on, saying prayers and mending a few wounds. While he remained proficient in the latter, he could not say the same for the former. There was a deep irony to it, he knew. He had been proclaimed an Archbishop, the head of an entire splinter...
  5. Emperor Sagan

    Fantasy Mysnia - Heralds of Darkness

    Options had been presented, but little strategy in hunting down divine beings. Lucafiel found this for the best - let the Vestati direct the current as they wish without interference, even from the Dark Lord himself. No matter what their illustrious overlord said, there were plans within plans...
  6. Emperor Sagan

    Fantasy Hunter's Moon: Ascendancy [IC] [CLOSED]

    Aleister grew quiet, his face both calm and turbulent. Once again he found himself surprised - he had expected no understanding from the likes of Camille, but it seems the both of them had witnessed too much to not go unchanged. He wished he could blame it all merely on fate and happenstance, to...
  7. Emperor Sagan

    Fantasy Mysnia - Heralds of Darkness

    The antics of Yz troubled the Vestati the most, out of all the other Heralds to answer the call. Neither pirates nor mercenaries, mad sorcerers or vengeance-driven souls concerned them any. All were the usual afflictions of mortality and the soul. There were patterns there, logic and reason that...
  8. Emperor Sagan

    Fantasy Mysnia - Heralds of Darkness

    The Redeemer Prince bowed his head slightly to Alexandra, his arms crossed before him in a manner where his hands were concealed within the volume of his gilded sleeves. As another figure that was masked his expression was naturally lost, revealed only by the currents of his voice and flicker of...
  9. Emperor Sagan

    Fantasy Hunter's Moon: Ascendancy [IC] [CLOSED]

    Aleister listened to the words of those who had spoken to him with an increasingly distant stare, vacant of anything except pain. Everything was pain, one way or another. The things he had done and the things he hadn't. The people who couldn't be saved and those who had to be sacrificed for a...
  10. Emperor Sagan

    Fantasy Hunter's Moon: Ascendancy [IC] [CLOSED]

    "Oh, don't be crass, my dear Marquess. If such skills weren't needed, you wouldn't be here, either. A killer like none other," Aleister said with a growing sneer. His icy gaze seemed to flicker with contempt. "I need not redemption nor atonement, for my sins are but a mere drop in an ocean of...
  11. Emperor Sagan

    Fantasy Hunter's Moon: Ascendancy [IC] [CLOSED]

    With the fire now extinguished - and his great coat ruined in nary a few weeks of ownership, which he tossed aside in a crumpled heap - he stiffened as Cassandra's words drifted up to meet him alongside her pained gaze. He glared down at the woman, his expression cold, his eyes long absent of...
  12. Emperor Sagan

    Fantasy Hunter's Moon: Ascendancy [IC] [CLOSED]

    Aleister had heard Rebecca's shouting, though the meaning flowed past him like water, for his battle was growing increasingly personal as he danced away from a seemingly endless throng of bloodthirsty wretches. As new as his rifle was, capable of firing with each pull of the trigger like a grand...
  13. Emperor Sagan

    Fantasy Mysnia - Heralds of Darkness

    The sea was a maddening place. Lucafiel had little care for it, as few Vestati did, as they had lived upon the golden winds and blazing sunrises with the knowledge that they were, in effect, the rulers of all that was below. But this was a lie in some regards, not even known to some of the elder...
  14. Emperor Sagan

    Fantasy Hunter's Moon: Ascendancy [IC] [CLOSED]

    Present day.... The Earth trembled, but only for a moment. Aleister looked up from the pages of the penny novel he had been reading and focused on the frigid, stone wall before him, as if his gaze could penetrate the ancient stone wrought by hands long gone to time. Dust trickled from the...
  15. Emperor Sagan

    Fantasy [CHARACTER] Mysnia - Character Creation

    (Since I'm playing Lucafiel and his fellows again, this is mostly the same as his Dark Traveler's version with some adjustments) Character Name: Lucafiel sa Helendal Redeemer Prince of the Vestati Dominion and Hallow Legions The Red Comet Race: Vestati, a race of fallen angel-like beings...