Recent content by Eliasdagood

  1. Eliasdagood

    Fantasy Throne of Heaven

    Farator, King of Aventalor Things are changing quickly. That's something rather new to Farator. In his own kingdom, his duties generally involve maintaining and improving upon a system that is already well established, and has been functioning for thousands of years. Now, reaching out into the...
  2. Eliasdagood

    Futuristic C&C Warlords Act 2

    The Neo Druids Amirjah smiles, hearing the report from her people that she sent out. "Very good. Bring back what you can, a d see if the red zones have any new friends for us." She says, beginning her report for Dimitri. So far, so good. She hopes things continue to go in this direction. For...
  3. Eliasdagood

    Futuristic C&C Warlords Act 2

    Neo-Druids Amirjah sits quietly, listening to the broadcasts carefully. Once it's over, she stands, sharp canines bared in a grin, her claws flexing. "Vietnam. Light guard, in a forest? They've practically invited us. It would be shameful not to show up. While we're there, let's see if we can't...
  4. Eliasdagood

    Fantasy Throne of Heaven

    King Farator of Aventalor Well! The sanctuary turned out beautifully, if he does say so himself. It will serve many more purposes than housing and and employing refugees. Perhaps it is finally time to invite other rulers to his nation, rather than the other way around. It will be a very solid...
  5. Eliasdagood

    Fantasy Throne of Heaven

    King Farator of Aventalor Well. That attempt at finding a peer was... Disappointing. He's not even able to call the man an enemy, he was just a feeblr, delusional little parasite. Farator has, however, heard of someone much stronger, able to bring people back from the dead. He can only hope that...
  6. Eliasdagood

    Fandom Planar Chaos

    I'm in for later! I'd also love to just watch.
  7. Eliasdagood

    Fantasy Throne of Heaven

    Farator: King of Aventalor Well, that went better than he could have hoped! He has the permission he needs to pursue the throne when ready, but he isn't ready just yet. He needs to be sure he is well prepared. And other threats are showing hints of appearing. Mostly gossip, nothing he can...
  8. Eliasdagood

    Fantasy Throne of Heaven

    Farator, King of Aventalor Farator nods, finishing his missive to Nomolos, and curling up the leather. He has isolated in meditation and experimentation for long enough. Now it is time to act. The thrones should be a priority, that much is obvious. To that end, he must seek out diplomacy with...
  9. Eliasdagood

    Dice Into the Wasteland

    Allhaven The Siren has... a few opinions about Anaya's decision to join forces with New America. He believes in her as a leader, and he knows she would never intentionally harm anyone under her care. But joining a group that promises rigid law and order, and democratic decisions... The sirenis...
  10. Eliasdagood

    Fantasy BoN: Stone Age

    Valora Eric feels himself fading. He could stay here. He could cling to Ivan, and never let go. But he could never dare disrespect Kendrick like that. The man gave him a home, a family, a community. And to turn his back on them now that Kendrick helped him get to Ivan would be absolutely...
  11. Eliasdagood

    Fantasy BoN: Stone Age

    Valora Eric looks to Kendrick with concern, seeing the white in his hair. "Why did you do this, father?" He asks quietly. "Why would you choose to spend your winter so far from home? I could have waited." Kendrick shakes his head. "No, my boy. You spent far too long alone as is, I couldn't let...
  12. Eliasdagood

    Dice Into the Wasteland

    Anaya is so, so happy. Even with everything that's happened, her people are strong. And now, perhaps they're even close to being safe. There is still so much to do, and she knows that well, but suddenly there is trade in a way there never was before. There is food they don't have to track and...
  13. Eliasdagood

    Fantasy BoN: Stone Age

    Valora "Eric needs help! Orca! Orca!" Comes the shrill, desperate cry of Natalie from the shore. The word itself doesn't mean what it once did after generations in these warm waters. But what it means for the pod remains. Anyone not ready to fight for their lives rushes for the shore as soon as...
  14. Eliasdagood

    Dice Into the Wasteland

    Anaya sighs, laying back on her cot. This has been... a very long day. Her people lost many, but at the end of the day, they won. And maybe they even got something good out of it! After all, Ezrin seems to have no more use for this fort, and her people have wanted a more stable base for a long...
  15. Eliasdagood

    Fantasy BoN: Stone Age

    The Valora Pod Natalie awakes to Eric, one of the sharkmen, pounding on the door of her little cabin, calling out about a shipwreck and injured humans. She gets up quickly, draping her skin around her, and runs out to him to get more information. Why were they here? Humans rarely come here...