Recent content by DracoNightshade

  1. DracoNightshade

    Fandom Legend of Zelda: The Old Ways

    Wulf polished his lyre as he sat down in the seat pointed out by his large furry companion. It was tough not being able to see anything... Then again, this was his life since day one. "Thanks Shadow." Wulf reached out and rubbed his dog's head before plucking the strings on his instrument...
  2. DracoNightshade

    Fantasy 👑duty bound🏹 (lazy-lit writer searching for a similar partner willing to play lead male character for specific idea)

    This looks interesting. Don't have much experience with the romance genre myself but will do my best.
  3. DracoNightshade

    Fandom Legend of Zelda: The Old Ways CS

    Name: Wulf Gender: Male Age: 18 Race: Hylian Hometown/city: Hateno Village Lineage: None Descendant from: 2 Hylians Weapons: Sheath Knife Walking Staff, as a last resort Items: Leather Vest and Pauldrons, both fur-lined Canvas Arm wraps Wallet for Rupees Bag for wild fungi, plants, and other...
  4. DracoNightshade

    Fandom Legend of Zelda: The Old Ways

    Thank you
  5. DracoNightshade

    Fandom Legend of Zelda: The Old Ways

    I believe I can. I'd like the Ocarina of Time for this one if that's alright.
  6. DracoNightshade

    Fandom Legend of Zelda: The Old Ways

    Would I be able to create a second character for this?
  7. DracoNightshade

    Fandom Legend of Zelda: The Old Ways OOC

  8. DracoNightshade

    Fantasy We Were Once Legends

    "Glad to have a walking encyclopedia with us." Arwyn chuckled before adding her two cents. "Well, if we're supposed to hunt them down, maybe there's a settlement or two that they're harassing nearby." Arwyn shrugged. "If the canopy wasn't so dense, I'd be able to get a proper bird's eye view of...
  9. DracoNightshade

    Fandom Legend of Zelda: The Old Ways

    *Crunch* Sara, bit into the apple she plucked from the tree acting as her perch. The fruit was not just crunchy, but a good balance of sweet and sour. Granted, the first bite is always the messiest, with the sudden release of the juices contained her hand was going to be feeling sticky very...
  10. DracoNightshade

    Fantasy We Were Once Legends

    "Damn. I was hoping to stretch my wings, but these trees are too close together." Arwyn sighed as she looked around at her surroundings. "At least this place is nicer than that prison. Still wish I wasn't the only woman in this sausage party though." While lamenting her situation, Arwyn knew...
  11. DracoNightshade

    Fantasy We Were Once Legends

    Having heard the others and realizing that she was the only woman among them, the blonde half-elf woman sighed before introducing herself. "I guess it's my turn. My name is Arwyn. Apparently I'm stuck here because the nation I served couldn't take a little heat and wanted me gone." She then...
  12. DracoNightshade

    Fandom Legend of Zelda: The Old Ways

    "Haa!" Sara sent her hawk to attack a designated target, demonstrating Ordon falconry for the people and just how effective the bird could be. "I can't wait til I'm finished." Sara thought to herself as the bird returned to her gloved hand. While she may have appeared confident on the outside...
  13. DracoNightshade

    Fandom Azurecoast Academy IC

    Roxanne Stone Roxanne facepalmed as she walked by Jack and Laurie, having heard the long-winded introduction from about twenty feet by her estimate. "Some people are completely lacking in the social awareness department, aren't they girl?" Panzer nodded as the duo came to a tree. "I'm going to...
  14. DracoNightshade

    Fandom To Kill a God ─ Adventure RP (Character Sheet)

    Name: Sorna Age: 20 Gender: Female Race: Half Demon, Half Human Weapons: Barbed Throwing Spear, Theropod Jaw Bone, Stone Knife Equipment: Juvenile Mud Dragon Shell Shield, Dinosaur Bone Gauntlet, hide/leather clothing Abilities: Enhanced Strength/Endurance, Night vision, Lightning Manipulation...
  15. DracoNightshade

    Fandom Legend of Zelda: The Old Ways OOC

    Yeah, sorry for not finishing that sooner.