Recent content by Dest

  1. Dest

    Fantasy Throne of Heaven

    Chepura Turn 5 (TW - Mentioned Suicide, Scarring) The girl gasped as she fell from the wet cocoon that had held her, fluid pouring covering the ground around her as she held herself off it. After a moment the same liquid began to pour out of her mouth, wet coughs accompanying it as she forced...
  2. Dest

    Fantasy BoN: Stone Age

    THE AROS Turn 7 Reginald twirled the training spear in his hands, staring down his opponent icily. Resisting the urge to let loose a scream, the same kind that stories of his ancestors mentioned, he lashed out with his weapon at his opponent, a simple probing strike. Smirking across at him...
  3. Dest

    Fantasy ♥♦ ~ What Secrets Lie Ahead? ~ ♣♠

    The Grove “C’mon there Callarhan, I’ve seen you fight better than that!” Mikasa smirked at his friends, his spear held in a ready position. “Don’t tell me those dreams of some ‘snowwoman’ have been affecting you this much!” “Oh be quiet Mikasa, just need to get good and warmed up,” The other...
  4. Dest

    Fantasy ♥♦ ~ What Secrets Lie Ahead? ~ ♣♠

    The Grove Mikasi Grasswood breathed out slowly, eyes glued to the creature in front of him. He had been stalking it for a week now, observing its movements and daily routine as he stayed hidden within the grass around its territory. Even as he continued to watch it returned to the place that...
  5. Dest

    Futuristic C&C Warlords Act 2

    The Librarian's Guard Wenert huffed as he climbed the steps towards the library that had been, and still was whenever he could find a free moment, his place of solace since he had come to Switzerland. The time since the destruction of the Philadelphia had not been as hard for the elderly man as...
  6. Dest

    Fantasy What Secrets Lie Ahead? | Fantasy Interest Check

    Oh very interesting!
  7. Dest

    Futuristic C&C Warlords Act 2

    The Librarians Guard Turn 1 Wenert massaged his forehead with one hands, eyes closed as his headache began to fade slowly. After a few more long moments the aged man returned to the report in his hands, reading over the logistics of the settlement he had been given control of. In the...
  8. Dest

    Fantasy Flamel Academy (Discontinued)

    Blake eyed the backs of the small group taking Eli away, a worried expression on his face. Information being directly beamed into your head like that could  not be healthy, especially with the way that Sophie had reacted. Resolving himself to check in on the other male later, Blake turned back...
  9. Dest

    Fantasy Throne of Heaven

    Chepura Turn 4 The Queen drowsily looked upon the rough map within her chambers, a mountain of silken clothes draped over her form as she made her plans. Surrounding her the Rex and Regina that formed her main core of advisors were much the same, each of them feeling the winter season far more...
  10. Dest

    Fantasy Throne of Heaven

    Chepura Turn 3 Ingrid shifted, her new form still a massive adjustment from that of a standard, if weak, human body. Long had she been weaker than those around her, her own innate magic sapping the strength from her limbs even as age had done the rest. And yet now? Now she was among the...
  11. Dest

    Fandom Planar Chaos

    Albion The insects of Albion have been weakened, their home destroyed due to the madness of an interplanar threat, and yet they are still strong. Arachnimedes has proven himself a strong leader to the swarm at a time of both great strife and yet a grand opportunity for it to grow in both...
  12. Dest

    Fandom Planar Chaos

    Alaxius Alaxius has begun its rebirth, bringing with it a new sense of hope and joy as its people look to their future for what may come. This hope is brought forth by the Uniter, and it is this hope which inspires more and more of the Plane's denizens to flock to his side. Will Noah continue...
  13. Dest

    Fandom Planar Chaos

    Vizaria The Factory city belched the essence of life from its chimneys as more and more lives were sacrificed to it, the city slowly expanding with every one that was given to it. Marduke's own strength seemed to slowly increase as well, never much at a time, never anything that would truly be...
  14. Dest

    Fandom Planar Chaos

    Delura The Goblins of Delura, a rowdy bunch by nearly any definition having only been recently tamed by the words and actions of the Flame Bard. A tenuous peace for now, but one that can perhaps be eventually maintained in perpetuity. The tales of the bard have inspired many after all and draw...
  15. Dest

    Fantasy Flamel Academy (Discontinued)

    Blake Forbes Blake hummed to himself as his hands ghosted over shelf after shelf of books, authors with names that ranged from Miyamoto and Machiavelli mixed in with those such as Zephaniah and even a small tome that was marked only with Ultor. Stopping for a moment, the Georgian pulled that...