Recent content by CollusiveDreamer

  1. CollusiveDreamer

    Character Characters

    Evan Cooper Theme: Rp'er Name: CollusiveDreamer Post Frequency: 2~4 times/week Discord Name: TheScarletDastard Current RP: Goals: Pay off his debt to the local adventurer’s guild, move out of their basement, regain Akaloth’s power he once wielded. Equipped Titles: {Human} Height: 5’10’’ Weight...
  2. CollusiveDreamer

    Other Writing Sample - Returned, but changed.

    A couple years back I applied to a group RP off-site that centered around the Olympian Gods, and part of the application was to prove I could write the gods well. One of the myths they offered as a prompt was the return of Persephone from the Underworld, and since Zeus is very hard to get right...
  3. CollusiveDreamer

    Multiple Settings Evenstar City: Superhero RP!

    I've been dying for something superhero, and this has so much potential, count me in.
  4. CollusiveDreamer

    Fantasy [closed] As the World Burns (Non-traditional Isekai/reincarnation RP)

    100% I am down, stellar prompt, very well done, let's do this.
  5. CollusiveDreamer

    Character Old Characters (Locked)

    Rp'er Name: CollusiveDreamer Post Frequency: Weekly Discord Name: TheScarletDastard#3055 Theme: Evan Cooper Current RP: N/A Goals: Break the seals on his heart, and return home. - Repay the substantial monetary debt he owes to the Ryken Merchant's Guild for saving his...
  6. CollusiveDreamer

    Introduce Yourself!

    You can call me Col. I like stories. I look forward to being part of such a large community of writers.