Recent content by Axeykins

  1. Axeykins

    Fantasy Ain't No Rest for the Wicked Pt. 2

    Sisceal was slumped over most the ride to their next resting spot. Wrapping the reins around his wrists to keep more firmly in place as he laid himself out over the horse. Thankfully it was an unnaturally gigantic beast, highlighting further he was definitely not the original owner of him. The...
  2. Axeykins

    I hope one day you see this and we can connect once more. Damn discord hackers still anger me...

    I hope one day you see this and we can connect once more. Damn discord hackers still anger me more than ever anymore for getting you the second we reconnected.
  3. Axeykins

    Glad to hear it finally slowed down for you! It's one of the rarest things for like to do lol...

    Glad to hear it finally slowed down for you! It's one of the rarest things for like to do lol. Been good myself just work and and more work. Gotta pay them bills
  4. Axeykins

    Hope you been doin good. Brain randomly made me remember long time ago rp pals and wanted to...

    Hope you been doin good. Brain randomly made me remember long time ago rp pals and wanted to wish em well haha
  5. Axeykins

    Hope you've been well. No idea why brain randomly thought to message you after ages haha but...

    Hope you've been well. No idea why brain randomly thought to message you after ages haha but hope you been doin alright.
  6. Axeykins

    Fantasy Ain't No Rest for the Wicked Pt. 2

    The beast eyed her carefully. He was a gigantic steed of glossy pitch black with an unkempt curly mane. It was clear this thing barely let it's own thief of rider take care of it properly beyond basic necessities. It was a miracle alone that he let Blair approach him. Listening to her words...
  7. Axeykins

    Fantasy Ain't No Rest for the Wicked Pt. 2

    "Thanks Abigail. Strong is all I need to know bout it. Sorry if you heard anything from me too. Haven't had to do busted bones in a while, shit hurts. A lot." He groaned reaching for the flask. Taking a solid gulp from it before returning it for her. Much as he yearned for more of that familiar...
  8. Axeykins

    Happy New Year!!

    Happy New Year!!
  9. Axeykins

    Fantasy Ain't No Rest for the Wicked Pt. 2

    Sisceal watched as the nightmare faded into nothing more than dust after a horrid screech of impending death. Thank God it was over with nobody becoming a snack. He couldn't see what Blaire was looking at when it ended but there was a sudden lightness to the air of that old musty church. The...
  10. Axeykins

    Fantasy Ain't No Rest for the Wicked Pt. 2

    "Gee thanks Sisceal for healing me! You're my hero! I would have been nothing but a crumpled rag doll on the floor open to die!" "Oh you're welcome Abby it's nothing really. No trouble at all just busted ribs and a cracked head." With a flamboyant hand gesture the priest raised the pitch of his...
  11. Axeykins

    Happy(belated) Thanks Giving!

    Happy(belated) Thanks Giving!
  12. Axeykins

    Fantasy Ain't No Rest for the Wicked Pt. 2

    He heard Abel's words, but it wasn't until out of the corner of his eye he saw Connor slam against the wall that he snapped out of his stupor. Taking this moment of clarity to glance over in the direction of Abigail's limp body. "Shit. Abby!" Forcing himself with legs that felt like lead he ran...
  13. Axeykins

    Fantasy Ain't No Rest for the Wicked Pt. 2

    "Keep staring at me like that and I'll knock those God damn golden orbs outta your head and we'll see how far they can really roll." He snapped. Halting his advanced towards the poor woman's belongings to point an accusing finger at Abel. "This ain't what that is and you know it. I've got plenty...
  14. Axeykins

    Fantasy Ain't No Rest for the Wicked Pt. 2

    Furrowing his brow Sisceal gave her a look like he was ready to slap her ass into a straight jacket and lock her in the church cellars for the night. "What in the good god's graces are you prattling on about? If you're gettin at there's some soul here from a ghoul or that the foul creatures left...
  15. Axeykins

    Fantasy Ain't No Rest for the Wicked Pt. 2

    Foul wretch outside was lucky he was lacking in holy water or it would get an unpleasant surprise. He was contemplating improvising if it didn't stop making such a fuss at the windows. Some lingering sliver of the past holiness of the rotted building kept it from busting in despite the gurgling...